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Copyright, Creative Commons, and My Site

WARNING: Long Post Incoming

If you've noticed, I recently added a footer to the bottom of (almost) every page in the site. The gist of it is that all the code on this site that I created is now licensed under Vizsage's BY-NC-SA license, which is essentially a code-friendly port of the Creative Commons license, which I love but sadly isn't for software. This allows me to give people (well, the -5 that read my site) freedom when it comes to using my code. Of course, this doesn't cover the rest of the content on my site, which is licensed under...

Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) 4.0 (When did this happen? Last time I checked, it was still on 3)! I'm a huge supporter and advocate of Creative Commons, mainly because it's so creator friendly - no legal knowledge required, just answer a quick questionaire. This means that everything on this site that I made myself, unless otherwise noted, is released under a 'copyleft' license.

I like copyleft licenses because I feel that today's system of copyright in the U.S. is completely messed up (watch this video, right now), and I don't want to be a part of it. I've benefited greatly these last few years from other people who have made their works copyright free, and I want to give back what I can. Hence, I've put every project I've made over the last few years under CC. Ideally, we'd all use CC, or make copyright resemble CC, and the world would be a better place.

Apart from that, I've been fiddling around with the aesthetics of this site recently, so that's why every time you refresh there's a different color border (I'm not sure if I like the border yet...). I've also done a few other tweaks, namely, spacing out the content on pages more and also modifying the onload script for every page so that it links to a generic JS function that I can modify, rather than just rendering the nav bar. This is how I insert my footers, BTW.

I haven't gotten a lot of work done on my Flash game - again waiting until winter break for that (2 weeks left! Woot!). I'll keep you guys informed. That's about it.

Want a say in what color the borders should be? Vote:

What Color Should I Make My Content Border?

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