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EFTDC 2 Quick Update

School is brutal. Even with less English homework (we're finally done with Lord of the Flies), there's still so much to worry about. Therefore, as usual, I haven't gotten too much work done on this site.

PhysTest v0.4.0 is out, and it will hopefully be the last Physics Test version I release (in which case I'll promote it to v1.0) so I can finally get working on the final game, but I think I can still do some minor tweaking. For one, I rewrote the force constants in this release, and I think I nerfed the jump force a little too much. Preferably, you shouldn't have to double-jump to get onto the 3rd platform. I'll have to play around with that. I extended the top collision detection box down a little, so hopefully you will never run into a situation where you can jump through the roof (you could still technically jump through the roof in the last version if you timed the 2nd jump just right). Finally, I added a loading screen, which shouldn't actually make a difference at this point in the game development cycle unless you use really slow internet (I'm looking at you, Time Warner Cable...)

That's about it. I'd like to get started on the actual level design now, since most of the code work is done, but with school and all that, I don't think I'll get any serious work done until winter break. That's about it. I'm done here.

This post has been edited to expand on the original without changing meaning.

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